COiN splits contracts into their individual components, and lets you navigate the document fluidly, bringing up relevant sections and definitions along the way.


  • Data analysis
  • Desktop and web applications
  • Front-end and back-end implementation
  • Design of visual interface, and data-driven interaction
  • NLP and other text analysis

We developed a project that allowed users to work with complex legal paperwork like credit agreements. These have million—and billion—dollar stakes, so accurately understanding a 75-page document (such as the one depicted above) is critically important.

And as soon as you’ve moved to a “living” document model, everything gets more interesting. Those 75 pages are valid for a 5-year span of time: over that time, another 15–20 pages of adjustments are added. How do those adjustments interact with the rest of the text? For instance, if we’re in the second month of year three, and the company in question just announced that their quarterly numbers were off, what’s your exposure to risk based on what’s in the contract? More interestingly, how do you begin to share this with others? Too many visualization tools and approaches are focused on a single end-user, when in fact, almost nothing ever stays with a single person—it needs to be shared and moved around an organization to be useful. With these approaches in mind, we developed a tool that demonstrated a far more fluid means of navigation and interaction.