Shutting the Shop
After a decade-long run, we've decided to shut down the “3rd Floor” shop. Originally named after the room that had housed our printed material and shipping supplies at 214 Cambridge Street, we continued shipping everything from a portrait of the collaborations of Miles Davis to a visual inventory of Wikipedia.

There's a lot of maintenance to keeping a store open, and especially with being short-staffed after two years of pandemic, it was time to move on. The poster work was a always just a fun side project that gave us a way to raise money for causes we care about, but it just didn't make sense to spend even more time on promotion, which would take away from our core work.

With any luck, maybe we'll re-open in the future, but in the meantime, we still have a few prints at the office and will do our best to give them to friends when they come by for a visit!

The 3rdfloor shop on Shopify

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