Open India contextualized
Today, in collaboration with Sarah Rinaldi, we released a video documenting Open India, an interactive visualization we developed for the World Bank Group. The video was showcased at the Annual Meetings of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank Group (WBG). The Annual Meetings bring together central bankers, ministers of finance and development, private sector executives, and academics to discuss issues of global concern, including the world economic outlook, poverty eradication, economic development, and aid effectiveness.

We interviewed key stake holders associated with the World Bank Group‘s Country Partnership Strategy with India (CPS), which develops transformational solutions aimed at ending extreme poverty and promoting shared prosperity. The video frames the context around the app, and reflects the humanity behind the data. The interviews address why visualizing and interacting with the information improves the transparency, accountability, and opportunities for growth and progress with India's CPS.

"This app is to generate ideas, People will drive India forward, and will drive the rest of the world forward with their aspirations, with their ideas, and with the incredible potential of this country." — Onno Ruhl, India Country Director, World Bank

The video will help the status of India's CPS reach a larger audience at the 2014 Annual Meetings of the IMF and WBG.

It was a pleasure working with talented Sarah Rinaldi in documenting the project, and we look forward to future collaborations.

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